
Thursday, September 29, 2011

News! Read all about it....

tomorrow! hahaha.... 

Make sure to check back here tomorrow for a HUGE announcement! And this will be a very busy blog  this weekend with a blog hop - be sure to "hop" in!

Start the hop HERE on October 1st

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


So since I don't have all my pics from the last 5 years..!!! i'm going to load a bunch of pics to recap some of my favorite projects I did.... Here we go!

(page kit from Designs on Cloud 9)

(Page kit from Designs on Cloud 9)

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Hey everyone - Welcome to my new blog! I had an unfortunate accident with my other blogs where I accidently deleted my whole entire google account. So.... since you can't recover them.... and google does not have a number to call to scream "HELP!"... I figured it would be so much easier (and faster) to just set up a new blog. So bear with me while I get things set up. Thanks!