Happy Halloween!!
Is everyone all set for the trick-or-treaters? We are taking both kids out trick-or-treating this year since Dalton is a little older now. Should be fun - I just hope its not TOO cold... lol
So... onto my project for today. My daughter Ali who is 5 loves to read ... or should I say loves for me to read her books. She is going to be a total bookworm like her mom, I just know it. So with her love for books...I created a bookmark for her.
You can find the owl and book pattern HERE at Scraptastical Kreations.
Once I had the bookmark put together and hole punched, I laminated it and added ribbon. It's not a normal bookmark size but that's ok :-)
Hope you like the project and check back again soon!
Would love to hear your feedback on what you thought of my bookmark!
If you are a stamper - be sure to check out my Stamps page - I have tons that I'm selling!
If you are a stamper - be sure to check out my Stamps page - I have tons that I'm selling!